An editor from shares their 2012-13 Web System for generating content
The Kirkwood Call 2012-13 Web System
- Organization: At the beginning of each month, web editors share a Google doc with calendar dates and slots in which staffers can choose the day which their content goes up.
- There are two slots a day: one visual and one writing. Everyone has to sign their name in the date which they want their content to be due (there are also a list of *constants that remind those who post constants what dates they need to post–filled in by web editors). If staffers do not sign up by a specific date, the web editors assign a date. After the slots are filled, they cannot be changed and their content MUST be turned in that day.
- Each post must have two hyperlinks to related stories or websites relating to the subject.
- This Google doc is printed and posted on The Call Wall, written in a shared Google calendar and is always shared with the staff for easy access.
- Editing: Web copy must be shared and edited by three copy editors if it is a story. Art needs to be checked by art editor and photos checked by the photo editor all 24-hours before posting.
- Deadlines: There is also a deadline in which students must comment on the Google doc on what they plan on posting for their web date.
- Grading: Web editors control a Google spreadsheet with names going down the first right column and dates going across the top row. When a staffer posts a story by 7:50 a.m. they made their deadline and their box is filled with green background. If they missed their deadline their box is filled with red background. An excused missed deadline is filled with yellow. If a staffer misses a deadline they have 10 days to post it for half credit and their box is filled with blue background.
* A constant is a post that is updated constantly on the same day each week.
Thanks for sharing this!
Very excellent ideas – your post has helped me rethink how the students have organized their staff to produce content. Thanks!