Our 10 Most Read Posts in 2014

Top posts to the site in 20142014 was another great year for us as we continued to grow and added some great resources to the site. Here are our 10 most read posts/pages on the site from 2014. Have you checked them all out?

  1. Royalty Free Music for Audio and Video Production – Our top hit goes to a page that has a great list of resources  to find music you can use to avoid copyright infringement.
  2. Three Apps, Tips to Make the Most of Instagram Video Posts – This piece by Sarah Nichols comes in as our second most viewed item on the site and our top post written in 2014.
  3. Avoid Copyright and Use Royalty-Free Music for Video Production – Finding music that’s legally ok to use for audio and video production was a big thing in 2014 as two of our top three most read viewed items on the site deal with this top. Check out some more links and some great tips by Don Goble in this 2012 post.
  4. Guide to Broadcast and Video – Our Video/Broadcast Guide continues to be one of the site’s most popular resources.
  5. How to Choose a Video Camera for Broadcast Journalism – A great 2013 post here by Michael Hernandez that gives 8 categories of things to consider when choosing a camera for your program.
  6. How to Use iMovie on the iPad – This tutorial got updated. It has videos to help users become familiar with Apple’s video editing software.
  7. Starting a Broadcast Program From Scratch, Where to Begin – A post from Don Goble in 2012 that helps give those moving into the broadcast/video realm some nice resources on where they should begin their journey.
  8. Multimedia Tools – Our Multimedia Tool guide found its way onto the list. It’s a great resource for schools looking to add things from interactive graphics to infographics on their websites.
  9. Curriculum for a High School Social Media Class – Beth Phillips shared a curriculum she created to expand social media education in schools. You can download the curriculum she shared in 2013 here.
  10. How to Generate Story Ideas for Broadcast – The final post to round out the top 10 is geared toward broadcast programs but could really be used for any medium.

While those are our Top 10 most read posts from the past year that could have been posted at any time, here are the Top 10 that were posted for the first time or updated in 2014.

  1. Three Apps, Tips to Make the Most of Instagram Video Posts – by Sarah Nichols
  2. How to Use iMovie on the iPad – by Aaron Manfull
  3. Factors to Consider When Starting a Broadcast Journalism Program – by Don Goble
  4. High School Newspapers on ISSUU – by Aaron Manfull
  5. Options for Creating “Which ___ Are You” Quizzes – by Matthew Schott
  6. How to Grade Broadcast Journalism Students – by Michael Hernandez
  7. Video 101: Shooting Good B-Roll – by Matt Rasgorshek
  8. Inqscribe or Dragon Dictate: Transcription/Dictation Software Not All Equal – by Michelle Harmon
  9. Why Writing is the Most Important Skill for Broadcast Journalists – by Michael Hernandez
  10. Putting the “Journalism” Back in Broadcast Journalism – by Michael Hernandez

Aaron Manfull

Aaron is in his 26th year of advising student media. He is currently the Director of Student Media at Francis Howell North High School in St. Charles, Missouri. He is the Journalism Education Association Digital Media Chair and co-Director of Media Now. He is the 2023 JEA Teacher Inspiration Award Winner and is a former Dow Jones News Fund National Journalism Teacher of the Year. He is one of the authors of the textbook "Student Journalism and Media Literacy." You can find him on X and Instagram @manfull. He's a proud father. A transplanted Iowan. And an avid Hawkeye Fan.

Aaron Manfull has 868 posts and counting. See all posts by Aaron Manfull

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