Happy Birthday To Us! Our Top 10 Most Read Digital Media Posts From the Past Year

Happy First Birthday JEADigitalMedia.org

Happy Birthday to us! Happy Birthday to us! Happy Birthday JEADigitalMedia.org! Happy Birthday to us!

It’s been exactly one today since we officially launched ourselves to the JEA Listserv. During that time we’ve worked to help expand digital media offerings at the JEA/NSPA spring and fall conventions and we have worked to provide weekly content for this site to help the masses with their journey online. We hope we’ve been able to help you a bit over this past year and look forward to continuing to provide you support for years to come.

We’d like to thank the Journalism Education Association for allowing us the opportunity to help you all and we encourage any of you who are not currently JEA members to join today to get all of the other great benefits this organization provides.

For our birthday post, we are simply going to highlight the top posts from the past year. There are a lot of great resources you can find on the site by simply typing what you’re looking for into the site’s search box. The following are Top 10 most visited posts from the past year.

1. High School Media Online
This page lists schools from around the country that have an online presence. Check to see if your school is listed. If it’s not, email us and we will add it. This is a great place to find a wide range where scholastic media is. Sites range from those that put PDF files of their print edition up to those that are driven by content management systems and updated daily.

2. Workshops for Students and Advisers
Looking for a digital media workshop geared toward scholastic journalism advisers and students? This page has what you need. The page currently shows digital media workshops for the 2010 summer. If your workshop is not listed, please email us and we will be glad to add it.

3. Online Web sites: Getting Started
While there are a variety of tools and resources on the site to help staffs move online or expand their online presence, this post puts it pretty simply and touches on a few things you need to be thinking about from the beginning.

4. Copyright Info and Audio Material You Can Use
This post discusses legally using audio on your Web sites and broadcasts.

5. Twitter: What it is and its Potential for Scholastic Media
Twitter can be a powerful tool to draw readers to your staff’s Web site. This January 2009 article talks about what twitter is and how scholastic media can use it.

6. AP Style Quiz for Multimedia Terms
This is the first post of two (the second gives the answers) geared to help students with correctly formatting multimedia terms according to Associated Press style.

7. Free Storyboard Solutions Available for Download
This post talks about two free storyboard options that can be found online.

8. Don’t Buy Dreamweaver – You’re Making a Huge Mistake
This post discusses why Dreamweaver might not be the best option for running your scholastic media Web site. Rather, schools should look toward some sort of CMS like WordPress, Joomla or Drupal.

9. 10 Reasons High School Media Shouldn’t Abandon Print
Many schools are looking to abandon their print product and move solely to an online presence. Find out why one person thinks there is still reason to keep a print alive in scholastic newsrooms.

10. Don’t be Confused: How Your Staff Can Organize Their Google Docs
One school’s online editor discusses how she uses Google Docs to run her staff’s copy system entirely online.

What was one of your favorite posts from this past year? Let us know in the comment section below.

Aaron Manfull

Aaron is in his 26th year of advising student media. He is currently the Director of Student Media at Francis Howell North High School in St. Charles, Missouri. He is the Journalism Education Association Digital Media Chair and co-Director of Media Now. He is the 2023 JEA Teacher Inspiration Award Winner and is a former Dow Jones News Fund National Journalism Teacher of the Year. He is one of the authors of the textbook "Student Journalism and Media Literacy." You can find him on X and Instagram @manfull. He's a proud father. A transplanted Iowan. And an avid Hawkeye Fan.

Aaron Manfull has 868 posts and counting. See all posts by Aaron Manfull