iPad Apps for Journalism and L.A. Teachers

iPad Apps

Recently, I have been researching what apps work well for Journalism teachers and Language Arts teachers.

The apps are below, but feel free to comment on what else is out there as my search has just begun.

The most useful starts with Splashtop Whiteboard, which in a recent post I mentioned as a great tool to connect your iPad to a computer and projector.

Snapseed is also a great app that edits photos in a “snap”.  It has most of the features of Photoshop or tonal corrections along with the effects of apps like Instagram.  Although, the camera on the iPad 2 doesn’t take very high quality photos or video, but the iPad 3 camera is supposed to have fixed that problem.

The other big hit among students has been Sketchbook Pro.  Paper 53 is another drawing app that works well, but it is more expensive and doesn’t allow for importing photos or layers.




AP Mobile

A great feed of breaking stories off of AP’s wire service.

Splashtop Whiteboard

Converts your iPad into a mobile whiteboard.

Sketchbook Pro

Drawing app that also allows for importing photos and layers.


Photo editing app that also has very cool effects.

Photoshop Express

A toned down version of Photoshop.


Write stories and edit documents including Word documents.


Make presentations using templates, photos and videos.

Strip Designer

Create really cool comic strips.

Paper 53

Drawing app


Pin and interest combined.  Good way to organize photos and web pages.


Works with Twitter to create Twitter lists and share tweets on Twitter and Facebook.  It also allows for scheduling of tweets.


Convert links, photos, videos and more into a Storify web page.


Edit video

Adobe Ideas

A bit pricey, but a great resource of what you can do with Adobe products.

Take a Break

Guided meditation for relaxation.  Usually taught in P.E. but journalism students need it more!

Evernote and Evernote Peek

Great way to take notes, bookmark sites and study.

Grammar Up

Excellent grammar activities that marks progression and score.

Nat Geo and 7 Billion

Two great apps from National Geographic.


Usually implemented as a school program to organize classes and assignments.

Paper Desk

Another app that is usually bought by school districts to keep and share items through Dropbox.


Creates bibliographies.


Creates videos and how-tos based on what you draw and create on a sheet or image.

Prezi Viewer

Views Prezis.


Syncs files and creates a cloud system that somehow interacts with a bunch of different apps.


Journalism resources and articles from Nieman

iTunes U

Videos, podcasts and more from hundreds of colleges and universities.

AED Dictionary

A dictionary with word trees.

KHAN Academy

Videos by professors on a number of topics.

Lit Charts

Reading resource for a number of mainly canonical texts.

No Fear Shakespeare

Easy to read translations and summaries of Shakespeare.


Great videos on hundreds of interesting topics by leading scholars.


Easy way to collect and share what books you are reading and what you have read.


One stop shopping app for most magazines with a selection of free articles.


App used by JEA for convention brochures that includes scheduling options with reminders.


Pulitzer Prize winning app that fact checks what politicians are saying.

6×7 Camera

Photo app that takes photos that look like they came from a large format camera.


Converts Twitter, Facebook and many publications’ feeds into an easy to read format and FLIP through design.

My Radar Pro

App pilots use to track weather across the United States.


Update your WordPress website.


Create time lapse videos.

Star Walk

View the stars even in the daytime.  

This American Life

Ira Glass’s app that has all episodes ever produced.


A great way to create a private group with your class or journalism staff to increase cx.

Outline Pro

An app to help students outline papers.

Grammar Girl

Great lessons on grammar.

Shmoop ACT Prep and Reader’s Guides

A great guide to tests and books.  They are written by PhDs and are usually very insightful and funny.


A great tech resource filled with articles about what is happening in technology and digital media.

Elliott Erwitt Personal Best Phots

A great photo resource.


For the movie reviewers this is a must have info site on almost every movie made and being made.


Ever need a photo actually printed.  This is your app.

V1 Golf

This program is for the golfers, but you can record and draw on your golf swing and lay it over pro golfers.  Awesome.



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