WANTED: Web site visitor stats for scholastic media
I’ve had a few people ask me recently about traffic numbers that scholastic sites are getting. Schools are just wanting a gauge of how their numbers compare. This is a call for those of you with sites to help me out a bit if you can.
It’s hard to compare those numbers as apples to apples because we all have different sized schools, live in different communities and have been online for different lengths of time.
However, I’d like to put something together for JEADigitalMedia.org to at least give people an idea of where their numbers stand.
If you could send me this information offline I would appreciate it:
School Information
School Name:
City, State:
Grade levels in school:
School Enrollment:
Length of time site has been online:
How frequently the site is updated:
Site stats (you can pull these from Google Analytics if you use it. Feel free to send me a screenshot of your analytics homepage for the last month and I can pull the info or just fill in the blanks below):
Visits the past month:
Pageviews the past month:
Pages/Visit the past month:
Bounce Rate the past month:
Avg. Time on Site the past month:
New visits the past month:
Absolute Unique visitors the past month (this can be found in Google Analytics by clicking on “Visitors” on left side):
Please also list a few things you do to promote your site:
I really appreciate the help with this.
All the best,