Adobe Premiere and Adobe Audition: Beyond the Basics Audio Editing Tips

I was able to attend Adobe Max last year and sat in on this session by Jason Levine. As someone who is fairly new to video editing and definitely new to audio editing, I was hoping the session was not going to be over my head.

While it definitely is more advanced than an “Intro to Video Audio” session, I found it to be incredible and one of my favorite sessions of the event.

If you’re looking to get beyond the basics of turning up volume on a clip or adding simple keyframes to adjust some of your audio work, this is a great piece to watch as it talks about audio tweaking that can be done in Adobe Premiere as well as Adobe Audition. It covers everything from using the Essential Sound Panel to fixing some common audio problems.

While the tutorial is an investment at a little over an hour, I can promise you that it’s worth your time and will give you a better understanding of how some of the audio tools work in Premiere and Audition. To help things, Jason is a great presenter. He brings solid energy to the presentation and keeps things moving.

Aaron Manfull

Aaron is in his 26th year of advising student media. He is currently the Director of Student Media at Francis Howell North High School in St. Charles, Missouri. He is the Journalism Education Association Digital Media Chair and co-Director of Media Now. He is the 2023 JEA Teacher Inspiration Award Winner and is a former Dow Jones News Fund National Journalism Teacher of the Year. He is one of the authors of the textbook "Student Journalism and Media Literacy." You can find him on X and Instagram @manfull. He's a proud father. A transplanted Iowan. And an avid Hawkeye Fan.

Aaron Manfull has 868 posts and counting. See all posts by Aaron Manfull

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