Check Out These Digital Media Sessions In DC This Week

Looking for some Digital Media sessions to attend this week in DC? Here is a cheat sheet of some you might want to check out. I’ve tried to get all of them listed with abbreviated session descriptions. If I missed one, please let me know and I’ll add it. If you don’t like the brief description I put alongside yours, just email me a new one and I’ll change it. I did the best I could to condense things to keep this list manageable. Of course, if you would like to see full session descriptions, who the speaker is, or if you just want to see how well I paraphrased, check out the full convention schedule here.

JEA, NSPA and RTNDA have helped lineup some great sessions if you’re looking to become a bit more knowledgeable in digital media. Here are some of them:


9 a.m.

  • Music and Copyright: To Use or Not to Use – Learn when and how you can legally use music in your video productions
  • Creating Video for the Web: (Advisers only) – Learn how to introduce Web video to your newspaper or yearbook.
  • Photography Web Sites for Teachers and Students – Photography sites discussed will have Web 2.0, print and sales, and storage options.

10 a.m.

  • Transforming Journalism: From information to Engagement – Engaging the next generation of citizens and multimedia will be among the items discussed here.
  • How to Choose Online Training (Adviers only) – A panel will lead a discussion on what a teacher should be looking for in Web-based instruction.
  • The Media World You Will Inherit – See the media, Web-dominated world that students will inherit and the job opportunities that will exist.
  • The New Media Landscape (and What it Means to You) – Take a quick tour of today’s media landscape – from the role of Twitter to the challenges facing news organizations

11 a.m.

  • Converging Classes and Media – This session will explore ways to converge print and video content.
  • Taking Your Daily Announcement Show to the Next Level – How things from packages to PSAs can make your show more interesting.
  • Hands-on Podcasting (Two Hours) – Learn how to find and make podcasts in this hands-on session. Signup at registration area is limited to 34.


  • Friend Me – How social networking can help you find stories and report for interesting stories

2:30 p.m.

  • Law in the Digital Era – Learn about legal principals in the digital arena during this Q & A session
  • Sharing Solutions – A panel of teachers and students will share with you and discuss ways to work in your digital newsroom.
  • Visual Dynamics of Storytelling – Photojournalists  now must make video, create audio slideshows and become multimedia gurus.
  • A Radio Journey – Audio examples will be shared of how radio programmers are working to merge the past and present into new formats and sensibilities.


8 a.m.

  • Digital Media Committee Meeting (Advisers Only) – Come find out how to help with, or just sit in on an interesting discussion with nice people (or just me if no one else shows – ha!)
  • 10 Tips for Going Beyond Print – 10 quick and easy things you can do to pull your publication into the 21st century.
  • Sotorytelling for Broadcast News – Learn how to create creative, appealing packages for your followers.
  • Building the School Newsroom of the Future – As professional newsrooms change, so too should student news facilities.
  • Your Newsroom: From Big Ol Mess to Techno Success – They will talk about ‘Wiggio, Flickr, Twitter, Ning, Wikis and probably a bunch of other Web sites that aren’t even invented yet.’
  • Multimedia 101 – Learn how to incorporate an array of design techniques and multimedia elements to create packages that will tell stories that make a lasting impression.
  • Creative Commons and the Future of Sharing on the Web – This session will discuss Creative Commons licenses for sharing focusing on copyright issues, digital publishing and participatory learning as it related to student jouranlism.

9 a.m.

  • Integrating Video and Your Newspaper – Learn the benefits of adding video to your online newspaper.
  • Starting a Broadcast Journalism Class – Veteran advisers will serve up suggestions.
  • Moving Your Publication Online – 10-step plan in making your move to the Web.
  • Web Journalism: The New Revolution in Communications – The evolution of Web journalism will be discussed as well as what you can do now to prepare you for a career in Web journalism.

10 a.m.

  • Talking Radio with Sound Reporting – This interactive session will be lead by two of NPR’s rising stars. They will show you how to make words vivid without pictures and much more.
  • Capturing and Captivating with Sound – The speaker will discuss and demonstrate how to get good recordings that will transport your listeners.
  • The Death of Cute? Story Structure and Headline Writing on the Web – Packaging your articles for the Web requires significant changes in how you structure stories and write your headlines.

11 a.m.

  • Getting Readers to Your Web Site – You’ve got a Web site, now learn how to get readers to it with things ranging from Facebook and Twitter, to E-Newsletters and Interacting with your audience.
  • Giddy About Google Docs – Learn how you can benefit from this great online tool.
  • Writing for the Web – Learn some basics of online news writing as well as a few easy ways to get those stories to the Web with resources you already have in place.


  • Secrets to an Award-Winning Broadcast Program – Student staff members and their adviser will share secrets to a successful broadcast media program.
  • Cheap and Easy Multimedia – There’s no longer reason to be scared of incorporating multimedia into your media’s curriculum and/or Web site.
  • Reporting Sports Digitally – Learn how to survive and thrive to make yourself and effective, marketable sports journalist in today’s 1,440-minute news cycle.
  • Social Media and Sports Reporting – Learn how to use – but now overuse – social media tools that have changed news, sports and broadcast coverage.
  • Web Site Design Using iWeb – Get your publication online quickly, easily and without having to learn HTML.

1 p.m.

  • It’s Not an Interview; It’s a Conversation – Learn how to preplan a true conversation, to identify the optimal location for that conversation, research, and, ultimately, package together a fabulous story.
  • The Pros and Prose of Blogging – Learn what blogging is all about and why you should be blogging.
  • Convergent Media is Here to Stay – Learn how to set up a convergent program and ways to improve your readership in all publications with social media outlets.
  • Promote School Publications with Social Media – This session will show students and advisers ho to utilize social media resources to generate enthusiasm for school media programs.

2:30 p.m.

  • 10 Fingers of Videography – Students will learn the basic rules of videography using the 10 fingers for the memory device.
  • Help Me Figure This Out! – Major companies are using emerging and social media to connect to their audiences and your publication should too. This session will offer some hints how.
  • Tell Your Story Online and in Print – Learn the language of multimedia journalism to help you keep your story straight and compelling.
  • GOAALLL! Sports Coverage That Scores – Learn how to spice up sports coverage for newspapers, yearbooks and online media.
  • Setting Up and Online Presence – There are many solutions available that will help put you on the Web quickly, easily and inexpensively. This session will help you avoid getting “tangled up in the Web.”
  • Webify Your Student Publication Today – Using free and cheap online services and options, learn about a dozen simple decisions you and your students can make today to improve the dissemination and promotion of your student publication.

Aaron Manfull

Aaron is in his 26th year of advising student media. He is currently the Director of Student Media at Francis Howell North High School in St. Charles, Missouri. He is the Journalism Education Association Digital Media Chair and co-Director of Media Now. He is the 2023 JEA Teacher Inspiration Award Winner and is a former Dow Jones News Fund National Journalism Teacher of the Year. He is one of the authors of the textbook "Student Journalism and Media Literacy." You can find him on X and Instagram @manfull. He's a proud father. A transplanted Iowan. And an avid Hawkeye Fan.

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