Reporting Across Platforms

RTNDF has partnered with NewsU to present an online interactive class designed to teach multimedia approaches to storytelling. Reporting Across Platforms is a free 2-3 hour class for students and teachers.

Professional multimedia journalist Victoria Lim shows how she worked through one story on WFLA-TV, online and in her Tampa Tribune column.

This class was designed and written for RTNDF by Professors Julie Dodd and Judy Robinson of the University of Florida.

To register for the course, visit News U

(this original post was at

Aaron Manfull

Aaron is in his 26th year of advising student media. He is currently the Director of Student Media at Francis Howell North High School in St. Charles, Missouri. He is the Journalism Education Association Digital Media Chair and co-Director of Media Now. He is the 2023 JEA Teacher Inspiration Award Winner and is a former Dow Jones News Fund National Journalism Teacher of the Year. He is one of the authors of the textbook "Student Journalism and Media Literacy." You can find him on X and Instagram @manfull. He's a proud father. A transplanted Iowan. And an avid Hawkeye Fan.

Aaron Manfull has 868 posts and counting. See all posts by Aaron Manfull