Add Reader Resource Links To Your Staff’s Site to Make Your Site A One-Stop-Shop For Students In The School

One way to get more students to your site is by creating a widget or page that houses “go-to” links for students. There are a variety of things students want and need each year. Instead of having them find those links in different places on the school’s site or having them search all around Google for them, why not compile a “Hot Spots” list of links for them.

This resource widget or page could include links to:

  • Where to check grades
  • The school’s calendar of events
  • ACT deadlines and information
  • Often-used library resources
  • News outlets
  • A calendar for upcoming concerts in the area
  • The school’s fight song
  • The daily announcements
  • Signing up for the school newsletter

Really, the options here limitless. Having said that, I wouldn’t create a resource like this that has 100 links. Keep the list to the key ones students use and add or take away as necessary.

By creating a list of links that are frequently visited by students, the hope would be more students use your site as a jumping point to find what they need. To make this happen, you need to create a good list and then promote the heck out of it so students, staff and parents all know about it.

Aaron Manfull

Aaron is in his 26th year of advising student media. He is currently the Director of Student Media at Francis Howell North High School in St. Charles, Missouri. He is the Journalism Education Association Digital Media Chair and co-Director of Media Now. He is the 2023 JEA Teacher Inspiration Award Winner and is a former Dow Jones News Fund National Journalism Teacher of the Year. He is one of the authors of the textbook "Student Journalism and Media Literacy." You can find him on X and Instagram @manfull. He's a proud father. A transplanted Iowan. And an avid Hawkeye Fan.

Aaron Manfull has 868 posts and counting. See all posts by Aaron Manfull

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