I’m adviser Val Kibler, and this is my newsroom…

What is your name?
Val Kibler

What school do you teach at?
Harrisonburg High School

What city and state is your school located in?
Harrisonburg, Virginia

What different media are produced at the school?
Newsstreak and https://hhsmedia.com/

How many students are involved at the media program at your school?

Describe your space for us.
Room 444 houses the Newsstreak and hhsmedia staffs for HHS. We have ample cabinet storage space right now, but could always use more. The cabinets were built in when the school was built in 2005. We have florescent lighting like an office building, but have alternative mood lighting when we want things to be calmer. We use small tables in a horseshoe shape that facilitate group meetings and discussions. Chairs move back and forth from the learning space to the computer stations.

What do you think are some of the benefits of the workspace you all have?
It is easily changed whenever we need to adapt. Kids (editors) decorate the space each year to make it their own. They have three “rolly chairs” which are old chairs of mine that tend to be in the editors’ corner

What do your students like most about the workspace you have?
They like the homey feel that they’ve created. They spend a lot of time here, so they like that they own it.

What computer programs and/or apps is your staff using on a regular basis for their work?
InDesign Creative Cloud Suite

What tech equipment are your students using on a daily basis?
20 iMac desktops, four Canon DSLR cameras (was just one until this year)

Aside from the computers and the programs, what are one or two pieces of equipment that you have that you think other programs should have.
Microphones and tripods. The quality of your images improves SO much when you add the tripod, and when we’re using phones for interviews, the clip on lav mics help make sound quality a ton better.

How is your workspace funded?
My school system funds $10,000 per year – we use it mainly for printing. Our computers are on a 5-year upgrade rotation.

Do you have anything on your wishlist for your space? If so, what do you have and why?
More actual space and storage!

(This is one of a series of posts where high school newsrooms are showcased. We’d love to showcase your newsroom on the site. To find out how, check out the information here and submit yours today.)

Aaron Manfull

Aaron is in his 26th year of advising student media. He is currently the Director of Student Media at Francis Howell North High School in St. Charles, Missouri. He is the Journalism Education Association Digital Media Chair and co-Director of Media Now. He is the 2023 JEA Teacher Inspiration Award Winner and is a former Dow Jones News Fund National Journalism Teacher of the Year. He is one of the authors of the textbook "Student Journalism and Media Literacy." You can find him on X and Instagram @manfull. He's a proud father. A transplanted Iowan. And an avid Hawkeye Fan.

Aaron Manfull has 868 posts and counting. See all posts by Aaron Manfull

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