[Presentation] Moving Online Parts 1&2 From JEA/NSPA Convention
Here are the two presentations given by Aaron Manfull (@manfull) and Jim Streisel (@carmeljim) during the 2011 JEA/NSPA Fall National Journalism Convention in Minneapolis. The presentations deal with tips for moving a program online (Part 1) and then executing it effectively (Part 2). If you have questions about the content of the presentation, feel free to add it in the comments below or contact Aaron or Jim on Twitter.
The next JEA/NSPA national high school journalism convention will be April 12-15, 2012, in Seattle, Washington.
aaron and jim,
great presentation about the technical issues. I have a different issue.
“Why should a program move online?”
I love the ability to publish quickly and often. I also feel like it’s easier to respond to our audience.
After not being very active online for nearly a year, we’ve started posting morning announcements on ustream this week. This morning my students heard about some negative feedback from our first two attempts and after griping for a couple minutes they worked on addressing those criticisms for today’s announcements. It was one of those learning experiences we can’t plan.
I want to get daily coverage of our school. I want my students to feel comfortable telling stories with words, sounds, pictures and video. With our limited resources, the web offers us the best way to do that, though I’m still working on getting my students as excited about it as I am.
I think there are lots of reasons scholastic journalism programs should move online. Some need to move online because it’s the only way for them to keep a journalism program at their school as it’s a much cheaper way to publish than print. On the other end of that, I think programs need to make the move to prepare students for skills needed in the 2011 workforce. Having an online component to your media program helps give most students their first exposure to this.
How did you hear about the negative feedback and how would you describe the complaints? Were the complaints about content? User interface? Were parents complaining that students were using improper grammar?